
Base Year Transfer to Replacement Home, Age 55+ (Proposition 19), BOE-19-B
Base Year Value Transfer, Certificate of Value (Proposition 19), BOE-19-C
Base Year Transfer to Replacement Home, Severely Disabled (Proposition 19), BOE-19-D
Certificate of Disability (Proposition 19), BOE-19-DC
Grandparent-Grandchild Transfer Exclusion (Proposition 19), BOE 19-G
Parent-Child Transfer Exclusion (Proposition 19), BOE-19-P
Base Year Transfer to Replacement Home, Victim of Disaster (Proposition 19), BOE-19-V
Affidavit of Cotenant Residency BOE-58-H
Agent Authorization
Agreement to Postpone Hearing with Waiver
Agricultural Income and Production Questionnaire
Agricultural Preserve / Williamson Act Questionnaire
Base Year Value Transfer by Public Entity (Prop. 3) BOE-68
Builder's Exclusion
Certificate of Disability BOE-62-A
Data File Order Form
Death Statement
Disabled Persons Non-Owner Occupied BOE-63-A
Disabled Persons Owner Occupied BOE-63
Disabled Persons Owner Tax Base Transfer (Prop. 110) BOE-62